Proceedings of
4th International Conference On Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology CEET 2015
Abstract: “Significant Research is being carried out concerning location-tracking in mobile environment [10- 26]. Several successive stages in this area is expected like devising new functionalities and applications and improving ways of doing existing activities [2]. In this path of research formulation, there can be many questions asked whose answer will depend on components, features and models that are themselves not yet well developed and stabilised. As and when these components are being put forward and hopefully acknowledged by research community, more of these questions can be pulled back and investigated into. One such “far-sighted” question is “By how much can a node’s battery availability be extended with Location-Aware Nodeto- Node transmission in ubicomp?”. To answer to this question, sufficient information should be available as concerns energy consumption/savings achievable in such a ubicomp topography. One such component is supplied in a previous paper [2] whereby modelling of ene”
Keywords: Ubicomp-Ubiquitous Computing, CBRConstant Bit Rate, ES-Energy Savings, EC-Energy Consumed, MES-Mean ES, MEC-Mean EC, BAEFBattery Availability Extension Factor, MBAEF-Mean BAEF.