Proceedings of
4th International Conference On Advances in Economics, Management and Social Study EMS 2015
Abstract: “Singapore, during its separation from Malaysia in 1965, was a melting pot of different races. Not every leader can manage its human resources to its best use. Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of Singapore, is famous for his leadership dexterities in navigating a third world country to a first world one. Lee’s success can be attributed to his astute decisive role in governance issues. Lee kept his government small, paid them best and curbed corruption. His philosophy in governance issues has been proved pragmatic in shaping the long term future of the state. While curbing corruption, he upheld rule of law, improved social service and set Singapore as an example to the world. Lee espoused the idea to produce an elite with intellectual and moral upbringing to lead Singapore’s nation building mission. In the quest of building a prosperous Singapore, Lee placed a high premium on quality leadership. This paper explores the lessons one can draw in the arena of Human Resource Management and L”
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Leadership, Governance, Meritocracy, Talent Management, Competitive Compensation.