Proceedings of
3rd International Conference on Advances In Economics, Social Science and Human Behaviour Study ESSHBS 2015
Abstract: “In April 2013 a Global Ipsos Mori survey of 24 countries, (1) found that 74% of people af-firmed that a company’s social responsibility (CSR) was an important factor in deciding to purchase a product or service and 84% believed that companies should do more to contribute to society. A further 80% of employees declared that they regarded their employers attitude towards CSR as important. Despite the weight of such public opinion, in both academic and professional circles much of the the debate over the social responsibilities of business has be-come sterile and even subject to ridicule in some popular presses.(2) This working paper seeks to explore some of the limitations of current frameworks used in discourse on CSR and to share some fresh perspectives of the basic conceptual models un-derpinning our understanding of business purpose. We propose a six-dimensional model for evaluation of business performance which builds on the traditional measures of social, envi-ronmental and financi”
Keywords: Integrating, Business, Purpose, Performance